The board of Thermatras B.V. comprises Geert Norder Sr and Alexander Norder. The company is further divided into four departments, namely: sales, admin, production and fieldwork. Thermatras® has approximately 35 skilled employees from various ethnic backgrounds who together form a close-knit, multicultural team.
Frequent internal training ensures that personnel are multifunctional and that the expertise and specialist knowledge within Thermatras® continues to grow. The team of specialists is extremely flexible, ensuring that your problems and queries are addressed enthusiastically and effectively.

Safety, Health and Environment Checklist Contractors (SCC) Since 1997, Thermatras® has been SCC certified. The SCC system was principally developed to assess companies that provide services to the petrochemical and chemical industry in an objective manner, and to certify their SCC management systems. The SCC is a yardstick for these contractors’ SHE management systems. The SCC system is controlled by the SSVV, the Foundation Cooperation for Safety, an independent foundation.

The insulation business Thermatras® has been a member of the VIB, the Dutch Insulation Association, since 1994. This association was set up in 1931 by insulation companies that wanted to come together to promote their mutual interests. Since then the VIB has developed into an active, strong and independent industry organisation, by and for the members. The VIB strongly encourages the professionalism of its members. The VIB is co-founder of the information and advisory institute NCTI, a participant in the training institute OOI and involved in standardisation through the ISSO Foundation and CINI.

The CINI Foundation has compiled and published its knowledge and experience in the field of thermal insulation, and the standardisation thereof, in the CINI reference book “Insulation for Industry”. In 2000, Thermatras® was directly involved in the workgroup “insulation blankets”. CINI is a collaborative group of companies set up for the purposes of standardising thermal insulation for the industry. Contractors and clients work together to establish specifications. Over the more than twenty years of its existence, CINI has grown into a reputable institute with a widespread network within the industry, trade organisations and training institutes, going beyond to include government agencies and, for example, Novem and Senter. CINI works closely with clients, contractors, government agencies and educational institutes.