Insulation blankets were originally used in the shipping industry. During the economic crisis in the shipping industry of the 1980’s, many shipyards closed. In this period, Thermatras® chose to penetrate other markets, such as the non-residential construction sector and industry in general and as such broadened their client base. Insulation blankets are now used to conserve heat in engineering plants, such as gas turbines, steam turbines, exhaust systems, central heating installations, hot water, superheated water and steam installations, condensation, thermal oil, steam tracing and electrically traced installations. Insulation blankets are commonly used for ancillaries and equipment that require regular maintenance after insulation has taken place.

Valves There are various kinds of valves such as globe valves, plunger valves, slide valves, diaphragm valves, ball valves, blow-off valve, bellow valves, float valves, blind flange valves, butterfly valves and non-return valves.

Ancillaries By ancillaries we mean flanges, filters, sight glass, pressure reducing valves, pressure relief valves, steam traps, float condensation traps, condensation pumps, expansion joints, pumps, flow metres, manometers, mobreys, level gauges.

Other applications Thermatras®insulation blankets can also be used to insulate parts of or entire machines and equipment such as water separators, air separators, waste separators, compensators, steam bottles, tube heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, fronts and backs of boilers, manholes, economisers, flue gas condensers, silencers, exhaust pipes, turbo chargers, gas and steam turbines.

Below is an overview of the business sectors in which Thermatras®is currently active:

Shipping Inland vessels, coasters, ocean going vessels, patrol vessels etc.

Light industry Potato processing industry, cocoa industry, carbonated soft drinks industry, canned foods industry, vegetable and fruit processing industry, breweries, dairy industry, confectionary industry, meat processing industry, margarine, fats and oil industry, flour industry, etc.

Heavy industry Nuclear power stations, conventional coal-fired power stations, biomass installations, combined heat and power plants, asphalt industry, calcium silicate and cellular concrete industry, metallurgical industry, rubber and synthetics materials industry, carpet industry, textile industry, storage and distribution companies, laundries, tank storage, surface treatment industry, pharmaceutical industry, animal feed industry, chemical industry, soap, laundry and cleaning agents, paint, varnish and printing ink, synthetic fabrics, fertilizer, synthetic scent and flavourings, power stations, incinerator installations.

Petrochemical industry Land and offshore installations