The use of Thermatras® insulation blankets has grown hugely in power stations, the petrochemical and chemical industries. The majority of insulation in the industry, especially for external uses, consists of mineral wool insulation finished with aluminium or stainless steel sheeting.

Thermatras® insulation blankets are water resistant When the right materials are used, insulation blankets are water resistant. They are never 100% waterproof, as opposed to insulation with sheet metal cladding in which the joins are sealed with silicon kit. But, of course, sealing means that that the sheet metal cladding are difficult to remove. Because of this, insulation blankets are being used more and more frequently for those parts for which the insulation needs to be removed and replaced. The cost of continually replaced sheeting cannot compete with the cost of insulation blankets.
Thermatras® offers solutions for various types of equipment and difficult to access parts that are almost impossible to insulate with traditional insulation. Made-to-measure insulation blankets are normally cheaper than insulation finished with sheeting. This is particularly the case when one takes into consideration the prefabrication and installation time needed for complicated sheeting projects.

Parts to be insulated specific to the petrochemical and offshore industry: Circulation pumps / Steam, condensers, ancillaries / Ancillaries traced electronically or with steam / Steam manifolds / Man holes / Drain valves

Tracing Tracing is common in both industry and offshore. Tracing ensures that certain products, be they raw materials or end products, that pass through the system, are kept at or brought to a certain temperature. Tracing takes place either electronically or using steam

Steam tracing In steam tracing, the ancillaries are covered with copper pipes that are supplied separately by a main steam pipe. Good insulation is essential to maintain the specified temperature without the risk of losing heat. Insulation blankets can easily be made, with the necessary cut-aways and recesses, without restricting them in terms of ease of fitting and removal , properties that are essential for maintenance.

Elektrische tracing In electronic tracing, the ancillary is covered with heating cable. Heat is generated when current is passed through the cable. When fitting the insulation to ancillaries with electronic tracing, it is crucial that the heating cable is not damaged. There is a real danger during the fitting of insulation with sheet metal cladding that sharp edges may cut through the cable, rendering the tracing ineffective. Insulation blankets consist of glass fabric and they form a cushion for the tracing cable, making it impossible to damage the cable.

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